Thursday, August 31, 2017

Just the Three of Us

Even though Owen started school, Joe doesn't start until after Labor Day.  He, Miles and I
have been making the most of our last free days together going to the zoo, having play
dates with friends, playing at the park, etc.

And although we have a lot of fun, Joe definitely misses Owen and looks forward to walking
to school to pick him and Asher up.  The older boys are so good to him and they play really
well together which makes me happy, and of course makes Joe happy too. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Owen's First Day of School

It's an exciting day today....Owen's first day of Kindergarten!!
He started the day with a special first day of school breakfast that he got to choose.
On his menu, french toast and bacon.

Then we took a few photos,

and met up with the rest of the kids on our block to walk to school.

There was even a marching band to escort the kids. 

We ran into Ruby on the playground,
then found the spot where Owen lines up to be let into school.

After the bell rang we filed inside with Owen.  On the first day the kindergarten parents are
allowed in the classroom for the first couple of minutes to help get the kids settled.  We put
Owen's stuff in his cubby then the kids sat on the carpet and went through their new
morning routine before saying goodbye to the parents.

While it is definitely a big change for both of us, Owen was so brave and so excited to be in
his class, that it made the transition really easy on me.  No tears, no sad looks...all smiles.
He walked over to us, gave us a quick hug and kiss, then ran back to the carpet.  I think it
really helps having Asher in his class.  Going through a brand new experience
isn't so scary with a buddy by your side.

I could hardly wait to go pick him up this afternoon and see how everything went.
I was so happy to see the same big smile I left this morning.

In honor of his first big day we went out for special dinner at the "choo-choo restaurant,"

followed by ice cream at Brown Cow.

 Owen I am so incredibly proud of you and I can't wait to hear about
all the fun things you learn this year.  We love you!!

And remember..."Have a good day, be a good listener"....."and be a good student."
It's something my mom said to me every day when I went to school,
and now you and I can have the same tradition.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kindergarten Meet and Greet

Tonight we went to Longfellow to drop off Owen's school supplies and meet his new
teachers, Ms. Mulsoff and Ms. Schrems.  He looked so handsome and was so excited.
I can hardly believe he's starting Kindergarten tomorrow!!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

The solar eclipse was a big deal this year because there was a path across the United
States where people would be able to experience a total eclipse.  The moon completely
covers the sun, it gets dark, you can see stars, crickets chirp, the temperature drops...
pretty amazing.  People all over drove to cities in this path to witness it.  

While we were not in the path of totality, we were still able to experience a partial eclipse,
which was cool enough in itself.  I bought the special eclipse glasses so no one went blind
looking at the sun, and we were set!  We watched over the span of about an hour as the
moon slowly made it's way across the sun.  It got a little dark, it cooled off, and yes...we
even heard crickets.  I'm not sure how much of a science lesson the kids really grasped,
but at least I got some pictures of them in these silly glasses.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

End of Summer Fun

With school quickly approaching,
we've been doing our best to enjoy the last days of summer.

Waterfall Glen

In the spirit of finding fun new places to take the kids, this morning we took a trip to Waterfall
Glen.  It's only a 20 minute drive away, which is really convenient.  I had never been before
but had heard great things and wanted to give it a try.  It definitely did not disappoint.  Tons
of trails (perfect for running if I ever venture back) and easy to navigate with a stroller.  I'm
not going to lie...I thought the waterfall was going to be bigger, but I realized that all I have
to compare it to are the ones I've seen in Hawaii.  I never really took the time to imagine
what a waterfall in Illinois might look like.  Well, here it is...  

The boys loved exploring the trails,

and loved walking on the rocks even more.

It's actually really cool because there is a riverbed that is made up of all rocks.  The boys
spent most of their time jumping from rock to rock and making their way down the riverbed.

And finally, on our way out they got into the true spirit of being one with nature....