Sunday, July 31, 2016

Baby Snuggles

One of my favorite things to do right now is snuggle with Miles.

 It looks like Owen shares my love for snuggling.
He likes to hold, touch, kiss or hug Miles any chance he gets.  Can you blame him?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Photo Shoot

When Miles was a week old we went and had some newborn pictures and some updated family pictures taken.  Here are a few of my favorites from the day.

Joe wasn't feeling much like participating...

 But we were able to get few smiles out.

 Thankfully Miles cooperated and slept through most of his photo shoot.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Day of Firsts

Today was a day of firsts.  I pumped for the first time after this pregnancy, 
went for my first post baby run (with all 3 kids),

and Miles took his first bottle.

While these may not seem like huge achievements, they're big for me.  After pumping the entire first year with Owen, I wanted nothing to do with the pump and bottles once Joe came along.  I was nervous that if I introduced bottles to him he wouldn't want to nurse again and I would be stuck pumping, so I waited and waited.  I waited too long and he never took the bottle.  I nursed him exclusively the entire first year.  Not that big of a deal, but it would've been nice to have someone else give him a bottle every now and then.

This time around I'm trying to make sure I introduce the bottles right away so he'll take them if we need him to.  I love nursing and plan on doing that primarily, but it will be nice to know I have the option for bottles there. Thankfully he took the first one like a champ:)

Monday, July 25, 2016

One Month Old

Miles had his one month visit to Dr. Taback today.  I went in nervous that he might not be
gaining enough weight because he is nursing ALL THE TIME.  I was worried my supply
might be low and that is why he wanted to eat so frequently.  Clearly that is not the case.

One Month Stats
Weight - 8 lb. 12.5 oz. (14th Percentile)
Height - 21 in. (18th Percentile)
Head Circumference - 14in. (5th Percentile)

He gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks!!  That is over double the average 1 ounce per day babies
typically gain at this point.  Apparently he is just hungry and has a lot of catching up to do.

When I look back on Miles at this stage there are a few things that come to mind.
Exhaustion is one of them.  While I would love to say we came home and he slept through
the night from the beginning, things have been a little more difficult that that.  He typically
wakes 4 times per night at intervals of 1.5-2 hours.  If I'm lucky I get a 3 hour stretch every
now and then.  One amazing night he gave me two 3 hour stretches back to back and I felt
like a new woman, but most nights we are awake pretty often.  

He's sleeping in the Rock n' Play next to our bed.  Originally I had him in bed with me (which
I loved) but he always got so hot and I thought maybe he would get longer stretches if he
slept in his own bed.  He does well and sleeps soundly.  The problem is he's just hungry.
I tried a pacifier a few times and he wants no part of it.  The one good thing is as soon as he
eats he goes right back to bed the majority of the time.  If I was up as often as I was and
then had to rock him back to sleep every single time, I would be a whole different level of
exhausted.  For now it's manageable.
The crazy thing is for exhausted as I am, I feel like all this little guy does is sleep.  He
sleeps, wakes to eat, poops, then goes right back to sleep again.  He has a few
longer awake periods during the day, but most of the time he loves to sleep.  And I love that
he loves to sleep because lots of sleeping during the day means lots of cuddling for me.  

Which brings me to the second thing that comes to mind when I think of this
snuggles.  One of the great parts, among many, of having Ryan home for so long is I've had
lots of time to spend with Miles.  I'm trying to soak up every baby moment I can knowing this
will most likely be our last baby.  With Ryan home, I can hold Miles while he sleeps and
cuddle him as much as I want.  I have the luxury of spoiling Miles a little more than a third
child typically gets.  

I love so much about this stage.  I love feeling his tiny warm body sleeping in my arms.
I love picking him up and having his little legs stay curled up to his tummy.  I love holding
him up on my shoulder and feeling his soft warm cheek rest against mine.  I love letting him
sleep on my chest.  It instantly relaxes me.  I love watching him as he sleeps because he
looks so cute and peaceful.  Yet I love looking into his eyes and talking and singing to him
when he's awake.  I love that I can calm him and I absolutely love being able to nurse him.
Not necessarily the act itself, but the bond it gives he and I.  And I love the way he smells.

Though I may be exhausted and I'm looking forward to more sleep, it really does make me
sad that a month has passed so quickly.  If these are the last baby snuggles I get,
I want to make every single one count.

And apparently I am not the only one who loves baby snuggles.  ;)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Our Little Entreprenuers

Today we had our annual block sale.  It was a sad day as I decided to sell all of my
maternity clothes.  I love little babies and hate to think we're done having them,
but I know it is the best decision for our family.  Still a little sad though.

On a happier note, the boys had their very first lemonade stand.  They sold lemonade,
cookies, popsicles and ice cream bars for $.50 each.  They were so cute!  Joe was more
interested in consuming the product, but Owen was a great little salesman.  He didn't just
call out "Lemonade!" and announce they had it.  He took the more direct approach and
straight up asked anyone that walked up, "Do you want some lemonade?"  Talk about
putting them on the spot.  How can you say no to a face like that?  We actually had at least
two ladies that said no, but then felt so bad they ended up buying a glass anyway.  Way to
work it buddy.  You are a true salesman at heart and I couldn't be any more proud.  He
carefully poured every glass and was so happy with himself.  Their stand was open for
about 2 hours and they made $16.00.  Nice work guys!

I say they made $16.00 because as a household we probably walked away in the red from the whole ordeal.  My little businessmen probably drank as many glasses as they sold, spilled just as much, and ate or touched nearly half the cookies making them unsellable.  We had a minor catastrophe selling our first cup of lemonade which resulted in a dropped lemonade jug and broken lid.  Then Ryan didn't realize the lid was broke and tried to pick up the jug by the handle and the whole thing crashed to the floor spilling everywhere.  Twice!

But at the end of the day the boys had a great time, which is all that counts.
And I got to snuggle my other little buddy and watch which is always fun for me.

The next day we went to Target to spend their hard earned cash.  Owen bought 8 Hot Wheels cars (big surprise) and Joe bought a small Dinotrux figurine and a mini 
Thomas the Train.  Job well done guys! 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Swim Lesson Fun

We're in our 5th week of swim lessons and the boys are loving every minute of it.

Joe's teacher was out sick one day so Conrad, the lifeguard, subbed in.  Joe took such a
liking to him and did so well with him that they kept him on as his teacher for the rest of the
session.  It was awesome because Conrad had no other kids with him so Joe basically had 
private lessons.  At this point he (reluctantly) puts his head under the water, sticks his face
in to blow bubbles, and even jumped off the diving board a few times.  Such a difference
from the little guy who wanted nothing to do with the water at the beginning of the summer.

With the help of Courtney and Connor Owen is basically swimming on his own now.  He can
jump off the diving board, come to the surface and swim to the side of the pool by himself.
We are so proud of him!  He's a little fish and loves being in the water.  It is reassuring as
a parent to know he's so close to being safe by himself in the pool.

Miles comes along for the ride, but normally sleeps through all the action.
Don't worry buddy, in a year or two you'll be in the pool right alongside your brothers.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Keeping Cool

It's been super hot the last few days so the pool has been a constant fixture in our
backyard.  It was so hot we decided to let Miles join the pool party to help cool him off.
The water was a little cold for his taste, but apparently it didn't bother him too much.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Bike Rides

Now that Owen can ride his big boy bike, he and Ryan have been taking little bike rides.
Joe decided to grab the balance bike today and join in on the fun.  He might have a little
learning to do (like how to put his helmet on the right way), but it will be no time at all
before they're all going out for rides together. 


Strolling on the 606

Today we gave Miles his first tour of the 606 walking trail.  
He may not remember much from it, but as always they boys had a blast.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Water Fight

In case you ever wondered what goes on at our house on a typical summer
afternoon/evening, let me show you...

 Even our neighbor Jerry, or Gee-wee as Joe likes to call him, gets in on the action.  It's so
cute.  He lives two doors down from us so there is one house in between us.  Owen stands
at the top of his play castle armed with his hose and goggles, and Jerry stands at the edge
of his yard, garden hose in hand.  Then they both shoot across the yard in between them
aiming at one another.  Jerry soaks him with the hose but Owen stands firm, little arms
tucked into his sides using both hands to squeeze the hose nozzle as hard as he can.
The water doesn't bother him one bit.  He's determined to hit Jerry, and he does.
This goes on for a few minutes and then Jerry asks "Did I get you?"  
Owen replies "No.  I had my goggles on!" ;)

 Then, just when we think the water fight is over and we get the boys out of their wet
clothes, we turn around to find this trouble maker.  For someone who wasn't a huge fan
of the water at the beginning of the summer, this little guy has come a long way.

  We may spend a small fortune on water this summer, but it is well worth it to watch these guys have so much fun.  Owen and Joe are lucky to have such a fun daddy!