Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dear John...

Owen was having a hard time falling asleep tonight so I went and sat in his room
with him for a little while.  As we were sitting there and he was not seeming the least bit
tired I decided it would be a good time to try to explain prayer.  I told him that we thank God for the special things in our lives that make us happy.  Then I suggested we try one together.

I started by saying "Dear God..." at which point he quickly followed with "Dear John..."
 I had to put my head into his pillow because it made me giggle so much.  Turns out I might need to give him a little better explanation tomorrow.  But thanks for the smile buddy.  
I'm sure God won't mind be called John for one night.   

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

RSV = Really Sucky Virus!

Yesterday Joe earned his very first trip to the emergency room at Lurie Children's Hospital.
It all started out on Wednesday night as what sounded like croup.  Barking cough, trouble
breathing...but by morning it had died down a little bit.  The cough and runny nose were still
there but the cough didn't sound so croup-like.  I figured it was just a cold.

The cough and runny nose stayed pretty consistent until Sunday night.  But then it jumped
to a different level.  Joe became really uncomfortable.  I went to put him to bed and while he
normally goes right to bed, that night he fussed and tossed and turn for almost 3 hours.
After a few cuddling sessions in his room and an attempt at having him sleep in our bed,
I finally got him back to sleep in his own bed.  

He woke up pretty upset Monday morning.  I went right in and gave him a cup of water
thinking his throat was sore from all of the coughing and that's what was causing him to be
uncomfortable.  He threw up immediately after he drank the water.  I also noticed that he
had thrown up in his bed at some point during the night.  I tried giving him water a little later
with the same result.  He couldn't keep anything down.  It was time to see the doctor.
I didn't know if it was his throat or possibly an ear infection, but something wasn't right.

I took him to Dr. Taback and after listening to him she said it sounded like he had a little
pneumonia.  She put him on amoxicillin.  I took him home, tried to give him his first dose and
he threw it all up.  I went to change his clothes and diaper and that's when I noticed a huge
bulge the size of an egg in his groin, basically to the left and slightly above his penis.  

I called the doctor back right away and brought him back in for her to look at it.  She said it
was a hernia most likely caused by all of the forceful coughing and vomiting.  What was
concerning is she was unable to reduce it (push it back in).  With a normal hernia you
should be able to push it back through the abdominal wall where it came through, but she
was unable to do that with this one.  So she sent us to the ER.

           When we got there one of the first things they did was give Joe a little pain medicine
to help him relax.  The hope was that if he relaxed, the abdominal muscles would relax and
make it easier to push the hernia back in.  Then they started him on an IV to get him some
fluids.  Since he was unable to keep anything down, they wanted to get him rehydrated.
They also noticed his blood oxygen levels were low so they put him on oxygen.  Basically he
wasn't getting enough oxygen into his blood because his airways were blocked with
mucous, so the extra oxygen helped keep his levels stable.

Then they ordered a chest x-ray to confirm they pneumonia.  The x-ray came back negative
so they did a nose swab to check for a number of different viruses.  He ended up testing
positive for RSV.  To any healthy child or adult RSV presents itself like a typical cold.  But in
babies it can cause a few more complications because their airways are so small.  

After Joe's initial assessments he had an IV coming out of one arm, the oxygen cord
wrapping around his ears and this pulse oximeter taped to his toe to monitor oxygen levels.
Moving around with him was quite the challenge with all the cords hooked up to him.

Once the pain medicine has kicked in and Joe was completely relaxed, the doctor came in
and was able to massage the hernia back in.  What a relief!  The alternative was them
having to do surgery, so this was good news.  He'll still have to have surgery to repair the
hernia, but at least we can wait until his respiratory infection is gone.

They turned off the oxygen they were giving him to see how he did on his own.  His blood oxygen levels dropped back down so they admitted us to the hospital for the night.  Not only
to give him the oxygen he needed but also because he was not able to keep anything
down.  Once his oxygen levels stabilized on their own and he could eat and drink without
throwing up, we could go home.  They told us it could be a day, it could be a week.  
Fingers crossed we didn't have to stay any longer than one day.

Joe did pretty well overnight.  His oxygen levels dropped a few times which had me worried
we were going to have to stay longer than I wanted, but he bounced right back up.  He slept
like a champ, which is more than I can say for myself.  I will never understand why
they can't make the sleeping arrangements for the parents a little more comfortable.  
But as long as he was getting his rest, that's all that mattered to me.  
Here was his home for the night. 

Quite the heavy duty crib.  He was so exhausted that he slept through various alarms going off on the monitors when his oxygen levels would drop, 3 rounds of vitals being taken on him (including rectal temp) and all the other background hospital noises.  He hadn't been
sleeping well for a couple of days and had a lot of catching up to do so this was a great start.  Here's our sleeping beauty right after he woke up.
His morning consisted of taking a few more naps (I've never seen this kid so tired),

And showing the doctors he could keep some food down.

Around 5:00 AM they had turned off Joe's oxygen and he was able to maintain his levels on
his own.  Once they saw he was able to eat a little breakfast and lunch they gave us the ok
to go home.  I know one little boy who was super happy to be home in his own house with
his dad and big brother, no more cords attached to him and no more people poking,
prodding or suctioning him.  And his momma was just as excited.

   He'll still have to have surgery to get his hernia repaired, but for now I'm just so thankful
to be home and for us both to get a great night's sleep in our own beds.  You suck RSV!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy 15 Months Joe!!

This past week we had Joe's 15 month doctor's appointment.

Height - 32 in. (80th Percentile)
Weight - 21 lbs. 7.5 oz. (31st Percentile)
Head Circumference - 18.75 cm. (73rd Percentile) 

80th percentile in height??  Am I reading that correctly?  The nurse asked the same thing
because she came in a second time to measure him just to make sure it was correct.
He must have had a major growth spurt because he jumped from the 35th percentile at
9 months, to the 46th at 12 months and now the 80th at 15 months!  Looks like he is
 following in his brother's footsteps in the long and lean category.
He must have a super fast metabolism, because this kid is such a great eater.  He eats
just as much if not more than Owen.  He will try most things we put in front of him.  He isn't
a huge fan of fruit and vegetables yet, but we've found a few he will eat pretty consistently.
The one thing he will not touch is milk.  My pediatrician mentioned that sometimes babies
who are exclusively breastfed don't always love milk right away, and he seems to be falling
into that category.  He takes one look at the cup, realizes what it is and turns his nose up.
We've found a way to sneak some in though by making smoothies every morning.  
That's the breakfast of choice in the Kalita household these days...
apple banana smoothies and either pancakes or waffles.  

Favorite Foods - Eggs, string cheese, pancakes, waffles, goldfish, smiley face french fries,
mac n cheese, cheese tortellini, hot dogs, chicken nuggets

Joe's height isn't the only place where he's growing by leaps and bounds.  He is doing so
well with walking and talking these days.  He'll try to repeat most things you ask him to.  He
doesn't finish the word, but he gets the sound of the first syllable which is a great start.  It's 
hard to even list his words because he tries to repeat so much, but here are a few:

Words - Mama, Dada, Joe Joe, Chee (Cheers), Ba (Ball), Bye bye, Nigh Nigh (Night Night)
Favorite Actions - Blows kisses, Clinks glasses for cheers

And speaking of following in his brother's footsteps, he's taken straight from walking to
speed walking in a pretty short amount of time.  There is one thing for certain, the Kalita
boys don't like to move anywhere slowly.  Even with his new found speed, Joe is very
steady on his feet though.  He handles himself really well and it has been fun.  He and
Owen have already started playing chase through the house.  Owen gets a kick
out of it and is starting to see Joe as a legitimate playmate these days.  

Joe's favorite playmate however is his momma.  He's in a bit of an attachment phase right
now.  Most times if I leave the room and he sees me, he starts to get upset.  Part of it
depends on the mood he's in, but more times than not he wants to know where I'm at.  It's
cute to see how much love he has, and I'm really trying to embrace it knowing that I won't 
always get these sweet baby cuddles.  But there are times when his need to be with me
makes it difficult to do simple things like make dinner, take Owen to the potty, etc.  It isn't
all the time.  There are plenty of times when he is perfectly fine playing on his own.
One thing is for sure though, this boy loves his momma.  And his momma loves him.

Let's just chalk it up to his love for his momma that has him up at 4:45AM in the
morning.  He can hardly wait to get started with his day.  We had a steady run of super early
wake up times (between 4:45 and 5:15AM), but (knock on wood) we seem to be getting into
a good pattern of waking up at 6:00 AM.  Someone should let this little guy know that if he loves his momma so much, he should let her sleep in every once in awhile.  :)


Maybe it was the mega growth spurt that kept waking him up.  Think of all the new things he
has to check out with his eye level being a whole 2 inches taller!  I'm looking forward to exploring all of the fun new things with you Joe.  Happy 15 months buddy!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Owen!!

Today we had Owen's 3rd birthday party with Ryan's side of the family.
Tim, Val and the kids, and most all of Ryan's aunts and uncles were able to make it.
It was no surprise that when I asked Owen what kind of party he'd like to have,
his response was a race car party.  Here are a few pictures of the fun:

Owen was so excited to blow out his candles that he tried the entire time we sang to him.


A big thank you to Ryan's family for making today such a special day for Owen.
We love you!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Energy Burner

Our new Tuesday morning outing is going to the toddler open gym at the Gymnastics
center.  It is by far the best $10 I spend all week!!  Owen runs and jumps and rolls until his
little heart is content.  And what's great is he's at the point now where I can pretty much let
him go and he's fine on his own.  I keep my eye on him to make sure he's not getting into
trouble, but other than that he's good by himself.  I stick with Joe and take things at a little
slower pace while Owen runs laps around us.  It is such a great place to take the two boys
to burn some energy.  Especially during these long winter months.  
It is quickly becoming my favorite place to take them.  :)


In case you missed him, Owen is the boy in the bright blue shirt running up and over
the mats at the back of the gym.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Little Explorers

Today we met Grandpa Joe and Gigi at the Chicago Children's Museum.
Surprisingly, it was the first time we had ever been there.  What a cool place!!  I don't think
Owen stood still for longer than 10 seconds at any given time because there was so much
to look at.  Joe was just as eager to walk around and explore. 

We started at the firehouse exhibit.

Next we made our way to the water room which proved to be the biggest hit of the day.
I'm pretty sure Owen would be content to stay and play in there all day.  And the little 
raincoats they give the kids to wear are adorable.  I even found one that fit Joe. 

We made our way through the rest of the exhibits.  It was hard to take any pictures because
there was so much for Owen to explore that he was constantly moving.

 They have a small room called Michael's Museum:  A Collection of Tiny Treasures.
There are a bunch of cases with different assortments of mini things.  Owen loves search
and find books right now, so this room was fun because it was a real life search and find.
He and I stood in front of a case and I would name things for him to search for. 

We had an awesome time and are anxious to go back again.
Thanks for the great day Grandpa and Gigi!!