Saturday, June 28, 2014

Block Party Fun

I may be biased, but I'm pretty confident our block throws the BEST block parties.
Here are just a few highlights from the day...

The water slide was by far Owen's favorite thing.  He went up and down that slide 
close to 100 times, if not more.

Then Daddy helped him with the squirt guns....

and taught him how to squirt Mommy.  Ha!  Real funny. 

 Not so funny now, is it Daddy?  ;)

Owen took a few watermelon breaks,

 then burned some energy in the bouncy house.

We had a scheduled visit from a friendly police officer who gave the kids a talk on safety,

followed by a visit from the firemen who let us all try out the fire hose.

 Unfortunately Owen was napping when they came, but I got out and gave it my best shot.

While there wasn't quite as much for Joe to do he had plenty of fun with Mommy and Daddy.

Owen ended the day with the world's biggest Slurpee.  What a great end to the day!

We are so fortunate to live on such a great block with such great people.
Can't wait for the next block party in the Fall.  :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekend with Grandma

Ryan was away for the weekend, so we were lucky enough to have Grandma come
and visit us.  We always have so much fun when she is here and this time was no
exception.  We all got to do some of our favorite activities.  On Friday we wasted some time
at the park while we anxiously awaited her arrival.  Joe got his first taste of the swings.

 Once she got here, the fun began.  Owen is currently in a car phase.  He LOVES little toy
cars and has started his own collection.  What better way to start the weekend then by going
to Target with Grandma and picking out some new cars to add to his collection?  She also
brought a race track that Aiden handed down to Owen.  It was the last thing he played with
before bed and the first thing he played with the next morning.  It is safe to say we are 
going to get plenty of use out of it.  Thanks Aiden!!

 On Saturday morning we did one of my favorite activities and walked to the farmer's market
for some fresh fruit, and fresh donuts of course.  And as luck would have it our block was 
having their annual block sale this weekend, so we did one of Grandma's favorite activities and scoped out all of the garage sales along our walk.  You should see some of the
treasures we found!  I'm quite confident that she is leaving with her car 
twice as full as when she got here. ;)

It was beautiful on Saturday afternoon so next on our list of things to do was one of Owen's favorite activities...the park and splash pad.  He spent most of his time working with some
kids in the sand box,

 which gave Grandma, Joe and I time to relax in the shade.  And since it was
85 degrees out, Joe even got a little break from the helmet which was
definitely his favorite activity of the weekend.  ;)

We love you so much Mom/Grandma and are so happy you took the time to come visit us
this weekend.  We couldn't have asked for a better visitor.  We're already looking
forward to seeing you again.  LOVE YOU!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Joe is 8 Months

Happy 8 Months Joe!!

Height - 28 in. (56th Percentile)
Weight - 17 lbs 15 oz (30th Percentile)

Another month come and gone.  It's so hard to believe!  Joe is getting bigger and bigger
every day.  He's sitting up now, still with a little bit of help.  He basically sits on his own, but
needs a helping hand to make sure he doesn't face plant when he dives forward to grab one
of the toys just a little out of his reach.  We practice sitting up a lot though, 
so he should be sitting like a champ in no time.  

He is still one of the happiest babies I have met.  He rarely ever fusses and is always very
happy to give out his smiles to anyone we meet.  Though his favorite person to smile at
is Owen.  He loves Owen SO much and grins ear to ear when he sees him.

 It's great that he is so happy to see Owen because it helps when I am trying to feed him his
solids.  For some reason he is not all that excited about eating real food.  I occasionally get
an open mouth here and there, but most of the time I have to sneak the spoon in when I
can.  That's why it's great having Owen there to make him smile.  The two sit across from 
each other in the dining room and smile and laugh.  I wait for Joe to flash Owen 
a big open mouth smile and I go in for my sneak attack.  

The one food he loves and will eat without a fight is pears.  He would eat pears every day if I let him.  I've started giving him fruit combinations with pears to help him get a little more
variety in his diet.  The other thing we've tried are Baby Mum-mums.  He holds onto it,
flips it around in his hands, nibbles on one end, flips it around again, and nibbles on the
other end.  I don't think he really ends up eating any of it, but it is good practice.

 I was hoping if he started eating more solids it would help him sleep better at night, but unfortunately that has not been the case.  He is still up twice a night.  Typically at 12:00AM
and then 4:00AM.  Thankfully he eats quick and then goes right back to bed, but I have to be honest that I am really looking forward to getting a full night's sleep again.

  Hopefully in time his thumb will be enough at night to help him get back to sleep,
but for now it just makes him look really cute when he decides to suck on it.

 He loves chewing on every and any thing.  His favorite toys are the rubber ones
he can chew on, but anything will do...his toes...the monkey's toes. ;)

Joe is happy to do pretty much anything, but his favorite thing is the jumper.  He goes
absolutely crazy in that thing.  He jumps and jumps and has this big goofy smile on his
 face.  When he gets a little fussy, that is the one place I can put him where I know it will
cheer him up and he will be back to his happy self again.

Thanks for adding so much happiness to our lives Joe.  
Looking forward to what this next month has to bring.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!

We love you Ryan and are so lucky to have you in our lives.

You are so thoughtful and always know how to make us feel special.
Owen and Joe are very fortunate to have such a loving husband and father to look up to.

I thank God every day for you and couldn't ask for a better partner to go through life with.
We love you!!!!  :)

And a very Happy Father's Day to the other special Dad's in our lives.
We are who we are today because of you.  LOVE YOU!!  XOXO