Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter From Wisconsin

This weekend we were in Wausau celebrating Easter.

Yes.  You are seeing that correct.  While back in Chicago it was 60 degrees,
Wisconsin was still covered with 2 feet of snow! 

Owen had fun searching through his first Easter basket,

and then let Grandma help him play around with some of his new treasures.

 And we didn't let a little snow stop us from taking a trip outside to try out his new bubbles.

Even Hannah's new puppy Finley got in on the Easter action.

And speaking of exciting additions to the Smith Family, we found out that 
Hannah and Bobby are expecting a baby....YAY!!
I always said how great of a big brother Aiden was going to be, 
so I couldn't be any happier for all three of them.
Owen had so much fun chasing around after his cousins all weekend

Though we've quickly learned there is one personality trait that he definitely gets from me.
You better keep this boy fed, because the minute he gets hungry, the cute, smiley, giggling 
little boy disappears and he's replaced by this angry little guy in the picture.
No smiles coming from that little man.

  As always, we had so much fun spending time with our ever expanding family this
weekend and can't wait to meet the newest little addition.

Happy Easter everyone!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Little Man Lunch

 Warm weather is right around the corner, so we decided to take a trip to Wonder
Works with Lesa and Lucas to pass by one of these last chilly days.
I was a huge slacker on my picture taking while we were there,
but at the last minute I remembered and at least got one.

Then we decided to hit up Chipotle for lunch.
Don't they look so cute on their little lunch date??

It was a great way to spend our last day before we go to Wausau!!
YAY!!  I can hardly wait!! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Putting Practice

While Ryan was doing some shopping at the PGA Superstore,
Owen and I got a little time to practice on the putting green.

"This can't be so hard, right?"

"Address the ball..."

"Two hands on the club..."

 "Hey Dad!  How am I looking??"


Friday, March 15, 2013


This winter is dragging on, and on, and on.
I am starting to go crazy being inside so much.

When Owen starts thinking his idea of a good time is chillin in his refrigerator,
it is time to take some action.

So we took advantage of what little warmth the sun brought us yesterday
and took Marley for a long walk.

Once we tired Marley out, Owen got a chance to go for his own little walk.  
What a cute little guy!!

Spring, if you are out there somewhere, we are begging you to make an appearance.
 Owen and I can't wait to go for walks and to the park and to the zoo
and, well, you get the picture.  Anything outside!!

Little Beans Cafe Take 2

Owen had so much fun the first time around,
that we decided to make a second visit to Little Beans Cafe.
Today we went with his friends Olivia, Graham and Ava.

This place is SO cute!
Today he decided to play house,

Cook us a gourmet lunch,

And then give the fire engine a whirl.

What a great way to spend a few hours indoors while we wait for Spring to arrive.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bathroom Fun

The other day Owen and I were hanging out upstairs in my bedroom.
He crawled away and I thought nothing of it until I heard the tiny splash of
water coming from somewhere.  I walked into the bathroom and saw him
playing in the toilet water with his drumstick.  You'd think that would be
my lesson to keep the bathroom door shut, but instead I just made 
sure to keep the toilet lid closed whenever we were upstairs.  

Looks like I might need to keep the door closed after all.
This is what I walked into today when I left him alone for a minute.
Who knew the bathroom could be so fun??

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Little Frankenstein

One of the most comical parts of Owen's new found walking skill,
is how he chooses to walk with his arms straight out in front of him.
He looks just like a little Frankenstein.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Best Buddies

Owen and I decided to have my friend Lesa and her son Lucas 
over for a play date today.  

I love giving Owen the opportunity to be
around other kids his age, and they both seem to have a lot of fun together.  

 They play and talk back in forth in baby babble that only they can understand.

We met Lesa and Lucas in our music class
and are so lucky to have found such great friends.

Thanks for coming over Lucas!  We had a great time today!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Little Beans Cafe

Today we met my friend Lisa and her son Lucas at the Little Beans Cafe.

It was the first time Owen and I had been there and both of us loved it!
Trying to get any pictures of him was nearly impossible because he was so excited
he kept crawling (and walking :)) back and forth to check out all of the new toys.  It was almost
as if he couldn't get where he was going fast enough because he would start
crawling then dip his head down and look down at the floor so he could crawl at super speed.

Good thing he can move so fast because he made time to visit:

The Service Station,

 The Fire Station,

 The Grocery Store
(that's Lucas helping Owen get his groceries together in their cart)

 The train table,

And the foam mat zone.

I'm so glad he enjoyed himself so much and hopefully he'll take a 
nice long nap after all that exercising he did today.
Thanks for a great day Lisa and Lucas!
We had so much fun!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Walker

Owen is so excited with his new skill and takes the chance to take a few steps
 whenever he can.  My favorite is how he has the biggest smile on his face every time he walks towards me because he is so proud of what he is doing.  Now he just needs to 
learn to stop before he runs right into the camera.  
It makes for a good video though.  :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

First Steps

Over the past few weeks Owen has perfected walking with the help
of a walker or a helping hand.  We've even had him take a few 
unassisted steps back and forth between Ryan and I.

But today he turned a corner and is getting much braver in his attempts.
He doesn't need us to start him out anymore.
He just walks when the feeling hits him.
It's official....Owen Ryan Kalita is walking!